The “Ludwigsburger Trommeltage“, famous drum event in Germany, has been a very entertaining event featuring (among others) Mike Terrano, Pete York, Carmine Appice and … last but not least … Sibi Siebert perfoming on a digital/analog hybrid Simmons kit, half SDSV, half SDX. Likely the first SDX live performance after at least 10 years (since Bill Bruford returned to acoustic drums and Danny Carrey changed to Mandala)
9 SDX pads plus 2 SDSV racks with 8 SDSV pads (cymbal included). He did a great show. And everything worked perfect (apart from his kick pedal and a noisy output at his sub mixer).I have a lot of audio and video material but it will take a couple of days to process all the raw material. Stay tuned!